Sediment & Erosion Control and Water Quality Services

  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
  • Sediment & Erosion Control Monitoring
  • Turbidity Monitoring
  • Macro-invertebrate Monitoring
  • Stormwater BMPs
  • Stream Assessments
  • Biostabilization

As we move into the next decade, water quality and water quality issues are going to be significant concerns that will have to be addressed as part of both small and large projects. Environmental research continues to be compiled noting the potential impacts of both non-point and point source pollution to our streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, tidal marshes and drinking water. Environmental projects are no longer based on just direct impacts to wetlands but also to anticipated secondary impacts. Construction sequences, sediment and erosion control, stormwater BMP's, infiltration techniques and natural buffers are mitigating techniques that are the focus of water quality protection.

Low impact development techniques disturbance minimization and buffers are mechanisms used to protect water quality during project development. Complex permitting projects may call for strategic construction sequences to protect endangered species and minimize disturbance. Our extensive experience and expertise in soil science, wildlife, plants, wetlands, ecology and construction has enabled SRE to develop innovative plans that benefit both our clients and the environment. Our services go beyond the planning phase and into the actual construction phase. We develop Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and conduct sediment and erosion control monitoring for our clients. Our certified professionals understand the federal law and how it interacts with the state and local laws and rules. SRE working together with general site contractors have developed many innovative BMP's to fit unique situations that allow for continued construction with no costly work stoppages.


Turbidity monitoring, water quality monitoring, fish inventories and macro-invertebrate monitoring are services offered by SRE. Our specialists assist in setting background data levels that allow for long term comparisons both during construction and after construction protecting your long term interests and the environment.
